Monday, June 30, 2008

What happens to used gift cards?

I was at Lowe's today. Surprise. I had to make a few returns. I had some items which had the original receipt. I had some items that didn't have the original receipt. It's Lowe's policy (as it is many retailers) to give store credit if you don't have the receipt. I don't have a problem with this policy. I had a few items to purchase anyway (2nd surprise). At the self-service checkout, the scanner wasn't cooperating (3rd surpise), so the friendly clerk scanned my items. I presented my store credit card that I had received less than 30 minutes prior (you know, a credit card sized, non-recycled piece of plastic) and paid the balance with my debit card. As the friendly clerk placed the now used piece of plastic in the special vinyl pouch under the cash drawer, I asked: "Lowe's recycles these cards, don't they?" I knew they answer, but I just had to ask.

"No they don't, I'm afraid to say". As if her apology would soften the bad news...

So, my task tonight is to find out how many plastic store "credit" cards are being added to the landfills daily...

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Not as much stuff now

Yesterday involved trips to both Goodwill and the Re-Store. Both included drop-offs, with no new purchases. Success. I still have more to drop off at Goodwill (see Friday's blog) Seems like so much of what I have to donate is breakable...I will head back to the Re-Store to get the crown moulding ($1.00 for each 8'section).

Today Thomas and I finished painting in the kitchen, and hung the last light fixture over the bar. Now, every tool, paint brush, ladder and stir stick is back in my kitchen. How does that happen?

Friday, June 27, 2008

Stuff. Too much ordinary stuff

I have a lot of stuff. That's the best word to describe it...stuff. Don't get me wrong...I think I have some really cool, unique, lusted after by others kind of stuff. That's not the stuff I'm thinking about today. The stuff on my mind includes a lot of the kitchen ware that came out of my old, desperately in need of remodeling kitchen. Now that I have my new, long awaited, lovingly planned kitchen, I have no room, or no need for a lot of this stuff. (I can hear my nieces saying..."I'll take some of your stuff.") Come get it. By the time you read this, it might/should/will be gone. You can pick it up at the Goodwill.

Then there's the other stuff. In making room for the extra kitchen stuff, I had to move/pack/hide some other stuff.

Take for instance picture frames. I have a lot of picture frames. Most have pictures in them, some don't. The pictures are mostly of nieces, nephews, other family members, friends and friends kids. With my new kitchen, I have less wall space. Now what?

And many vases does one need? Right now I have 8 glass vases on my kitchen window sill, full of little yellow flowers. They make me smile. Then I have 1 glass vase with a large bouquet of flowers on my bamboo counter-top (yes, I'm nervous about leaving it there...but I need to get over that). Now, if I counted up the unused vases (which would take me a while, since they're not all in 1 logical location), I would have enough to share. with lots of you. come get 'em now, before they go to the Goodwill.

What about drinking glasses and coffee cups? I'll be right back, I'm going to count them. OK, I'm back-28 glass drinking vessels, 29 plastic drinking vessels, and 21 coffee cups (I don't even drink coffee). That doesn't include my stash of wine glasses, (crystal and plastic:16), or margarita glasses: 4, champagne glasses: 3, or the 8 cordial glasses I inherited from my mom. (I don't ever remember her drinking out of one, or ever using them).

Oh... candle holders. That will be a topic for another day.

Back to the kitchen stuff. I have lots of assorted odds and ends, that I'm finding I don't use very often (shame on you if you are surprised). Now, what to do with this stuff? Do I add it to my stash of stuff to take to the Re-Store? (it's amazing how much stuff surfaced during the remodeling project that can be reused). Do I try to sell some of it on eBay? Or is it just Goodwill worthy?

The funny part is, I need some boxes to pack these things in, just to take them to the Goodwill. Since I've been using my reusable shopping bags, I'm nearly out of plastic bags (which should be recycled anyway). So, it's another dilemma I'll have to continue to face. In the meantime, I need to find homes in my own home for the stuff I want to keep.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Growing green

Today one of my goals was to get some plants in the ground. I purchased a holly bush 2 days ago, and I wanted to give it the best opportunity to thrive in its new home. A few times this spring, I've purchased a plant, brought it home, set it "on" its new home, but didn't dig to plant it. They really don't like it when you do that (I'm finding out the hard way).

I had a few other plants that have been sitting in their original pots for over 3 weeks, just waiting for room to spread their roots. I finally got them in the ground today too (and used the root stimulator from Fertilome...I wonder how safe it is. I've used it for years, with great results), I did this early this morning, since the heat index is supposed to be in the mid 90's today. Yuk. I gave everything a healthy dose of H2O, and was once again thankful that I'm able to stay home and do this. My herbs are thriving, and everything green is staying that way. I'm still "saving" the water from my drippy new Moen kitchen faucet...about a quart every few hours. Tonight Thomas is replacing the no more drippy faucet after tonight! (stay tuned to see if the drip stops...)

I've been procrastinating doing anything paperwork related (balancing my check-book, paying bills, dealing with insurance, etc.). is the day. My office needs a good cleaning-out. That might be this afternoon's project.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

To the recycling center

I've been carrying around glass bottles and jars for a week, just waiting to go to the recycling center. Here's a lesson I've the summer time, don't put your glass bottles and jars in your car, until you're ready to go to the recycling center. No matter how much you think you rinse them out, there are still remains of whatever started out in the jar. (this week I made my favorite quinoa salad, which has pickled jalepeno peppers in it. you can imagine what my car smells like)

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Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Still not working for $$$

Today was day 22 of being unemployed. Is there any significance to that number? I don't think so...I might find out later. I'm amazed every day at how much time it takes to actually be unemployed. How did I get anything done when I was employed? How did I spend my time? Do our activities expand to fill our free time? I feel busier than ever...Is this vacation time?

The kitchen project is moving right along. I've very happy with my green building choices...Richlite countertop, cork floor, and bamboo countertop. I love the way they look. The folks at Straw, Sticks and Bricks have been great to work with. Kudos to Jen, Josh and Teri for their great advise and patience. I'm still putting the oil on the bamboo countertop, and I'm very careful about not setting anything on it yet.

The painting is finished. Now, I just have to wait for the backsplash tiles to arrive... (then, do I learn to tile?) I think so.

Check this out...

Earn some money while you're "unemployed"!