A lot has happened in my world (and yours too), since my last entry. I am fully entrenched in the world of Ideal Health. I'll tie in my new career to my Greener Every Day blog in more detail soon, but I want to start by focusing on one of our products, the QuikStiks. OK, here's the deal. The energy drink and coffee business is a $44 Billion dollar industry, and what do you get? Well, most of the products contain high amounts of sugar and caffeine. (and you say..."that's the point of drinking them.") The more you drink...the more you want to drink. These calories add to our waistlines, these ingredients are addictive, and they are not healthy in the amounts that many people consume.
When I was in my caffeine drinking days (for those of you who don't know me, I was drinking a large quantity of ice tea everyday...no sugar, or sweetener, just the good ol' caffeine...strong and black) I literally drank ice tea from early morning 'til late at night. I needed/wanted/craved the caffeine.
Along came the Custom Essentials (more on those later) and QuikStiks.
The QuikStiks are mood infusion beverages. They contain quality natural bionutrients our bodies need, all in a convenient, easy to use delivery system! (Did I tell you they contain fiber too?)
That's where the "Greener Every Day" comes in! No more recycling of glass or plastic bottles. No more worrying if the paper coffee cup is recycable. They are packaged in an easy to carry paper sleeve, and you mix them with your own 16 ounce container of water.
WindUp in the morning gets you going with the nutrients your body really needs, infusing your brain with the essene of clarity.
ReWind in hte afternoon brings you back from droopiness by replenishing depleted nutrients and infusing your body with the spirit of renewal
UnWind in the evening infuses you with the naturally relaxing bionutients to help you unsind as your day peacefully comes to a close.
Interested in ordering? Leave a comment!