OK. I've been thinking about this simple idea for a while, and started implementing it recently. I'll admit it, I use too many zip-top plastic bags. Once. Although I do wash them, with the intent of reusing them, I rarely do reuse them. I pull them out of the drawer, looking at them, wondering what was in them originally. Then, I look at the new ones, and how clear and shiny they look, and use them instead. So, I have a new plan.
When I use a zip-top bag now, I write the name of the food on it with a Sharpie pen (cheese, tomato, lemon...you get the idea). Once I've used the contents, the empty bag goes back in the fridge, ready to be used again, by the same food. I'm already in the habit of looking to see what bags are in the fridge before I pull out a new one.
I do have my limits...I won't reuse the bags that have had raw meat, or other similar things in them.
That's it. Simple, but it works. One less item in my trash.
1 year ago
1 comment:
Are you talking about ziplock baggies...I'm slow.
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