I have to admit, I'm stuck on a few basic cleaning products these days. I really like Seventh Generation products. I've used their dish soap, laundry soap, and all-purpose cleaner. However, I was intrigued when my niece Erin told me about Arm & Hammer's new green cleaning products. Here's a blub from their web site:
Did you know that Americans throw away 60 billion pounds of plastic each year? Each ARM & HAMMER® Essentials™ Cleaners refill pack you buy means 2 less plastic spray bottles in landfills. And the refill pack uses 80% less packaging than 2 pre-filled spray cleaners. The ARM & HAMMER® Essentials™ Cleaners formula is biodegradable and uses powerful plant-based cleaners* — and contains no harsh ammonia or phosphates.
*With other biodegradable cleaners.
Plus, you’ll save money every time you refill your
ARM & HAMMER® Essentials™ Cleaners bottle — up to 25% compared to buying traditional cleaners. It’s simple: ARM & HAMMER® Essentials™ Cleaners are better for you and your family, and sensible for the environment.
OK... a nice sales pitch, huh? I continued to read more on their site. I think I knew some of this, but I wanted to share this also (from their website):
To consumers like you around the world, ARM & HAMMER® stands for simple solutions to household needs — and for active concern for the environment. We began using recycled paperboard in our packaging over 100 years ago — in 1907. We also launched the nation’s first non-polluting, phosphate-free laundry detergent in 1970. Today,
ARM & HAMMER® Essentials™ products continue to expand our commitment to the environment.
So...next time you grab your box of Arm and Hammer Pure Baking Soda, in the cardboard box, let it be a reminder of how they jumped on the recycling bandwagon...101 years ago.
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